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Anatomy in Clay® Learning System Podcast

The Anatomy in Clay® Learning System podcast includes interviews with anatomy students and anatomy teachers who are part of the Anatomy in Clay family far and wide. For more information visit


May 24, 2023

Eric Salahub has been at Front Range Community College in Fort Collins Colorado since 1999 where he teaches philosophy and serves as an instructional coach. In his coaching role, Eric has worked with hundreds of teachers helping them improve their craft in face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes.  Over the past 10...

May 15, 2023

Heather Johnson teaches Sports Medicine 1 and 2 teacher at Westwood High School in Blythewood, South Carolina. Johnson earned her Bachelor of Science from the University of South Florida where she worked with the women's soccer team, baseball and of course football  Johnson was one of six graduate students in the...